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Payment Method


What are the payment options Rainforest Italy provides
At Rainforest Italy you can shop with any of the following options


On our website:


  • Visa, Mastercard, and American Express Credit Cards.
  • Debit card for more than 50 banks.
  • We currently support Net banking for 32 banks including all major banks like ICICI, HDFC, Citibank, SBI, Axis etc.


Shopping with Rainforest Italy is completely safe. Transactions with Rainforest Italy are via the payment gateway PayU, which is both VeriSign Secured® as well as PCI compliant. The VeriSign Secured® Seal is the most trusted security mark on the Internet. PCI stands for Payment Card Industry and PayU is compliant with the global information security standards defined for organizations which handle cardholder information. Be assured that your card or account information is encrypted as it travels over the Internet making it well and truly safe.